Sleeposium2022 is a virtual only event that lasts 7 days. The majority of the talks have been pre-recorded and will be available by 12:01 AM EST of the scheduled date. We will host a "Watch Party" on Facebook at the times listed below. All the speakers have also generously agreed to participate in Question & Answer sessions. These sessions will be hosted live on Zoom and streamed to Facebook. The recordings will be posted to the Sleeposium2022 content site a few days after the session.
Regardless of whether you participate in the Watch Parties or the Live Q&A, you will have access to the recordings of the talks and the Q&A sessions for 1 full year through the Sleeposium2022 content site.

Daily Timetable
(Most days. Check individual days for exceptions.)
1:00 PM EST
Afternoon Engagement Session: Sleeposium Kick Off Event
Join us for some fun networking and community connection as we kick off Sleeposium2022
3:00 PM EST
Introduction to Airway Centric Pediatric Health Care and Tongue Ties
Note: This session will be presented live. There will not be a pre-recorded session available to watch early. The Q&A session will immediately follow the presentation. As with all live sessions, the recording of the session will be available for viewing a day or two after the live presentation.
After attending this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Identify the essential components of baby’s head and neck anatomy for optimized growth, development and function
- Identify signs and symptoms of tongue tie (restricted lingual frenum) to be aware of throughout pediatrics
- Explain how tongue ties can negatively impact the way we live, eat, breathe, and sleep
- Understand how symptomatic tongue ties can be treated throughout one’s life – showcasing current patient data and outcomes
- Describe how they as varied pediatric health care providers can help: Introduction to treatment modalities with case examples for respective age groups
Immediately following presentation
Live Q&A with Dr. Alison Sigal
10:00 AM EST
Understanding the Research on Behavioral Sleep Interventions (No Math Required)
This session will cover the basics of locating and reading research related to infant sleep interventions. Participants will learn about how to quickly scan a study for relevant information and know how to critically evaluate whether the study is useful for their practice. The course will then take a critical look at the existing research on behavioral sleep interventions and how well it maps (or doesn’t) to the advice in leading books and online programs. What does “effective” really mean? What does “research based” mean? Are methods equally safe and effective for all ages of infant? All families? All temperaments? A better understanding of the underlying research can help practitioners tailor approaches based on what the research actually says.
At the end of the session, participants should be able to:
- Know how to locate research and identify key sections of a study and their purpose
- Understand the difference between “statistical significance” and “practical significance"
- Identify three ways that existing sleep advice is not well-supported by research
1:00 PM EST
Live Q&A with Macall Gordon
3:00 PM EST
Afternoon Engagement Session: Red flags and Trouble Shooting from a Mom's Perspective with Kelli Crawford
It’s rough to navigate a serious sleep issue when dismissed by your pediatrician. Kelli will share a mom's perspective with complex, compounded issues and the long road to better sleep. Kelli shares her experience frequently on social media to help other moms know they're not alone when frustrated by sleep issues and trying to find answers. Her story is so interesting and inspiring to never give up searching for answers. Tongue, sleep apnea, allergies, oh my!
Kelli Crawford is a mother, childbirth educator, birth and bereavement doula, flight attendant, and student midwife. Three of her four children have battled sleep apnea, parasomnia, and Idiopathic Hypersomnia. She would like to get off this sleep disorder rollercoaster please.
10:00 AM EST
Sleep as a Contribution to Regulation
By Kim Barthel
Dysregulation in sleep contributes to dysregulation in the daytime. We are increasingly learning that virtually every neurological and mental health issue involves some form of sleep challenge. Professionals who evaluate, support, and enhance pediatric function are constantly questioned by their client’s parents “How do I help my child sleep better?” This presentation will focus on the science of sleep and its impact upon regulation.
At the end of this session the participant will be able to:
- Describe the science of sleep and its connection to regulation
- List 2 treatment strategies and tools for sleep as a contribution to wellness and function
1:00 PM EST
Live Q&A with Kim Barthel
3:00 PM EST
Afternoon Engagement Session: Implementation Session
In these interactive sessions we will have an opportunity to debrief, discuss, and share learning from the sessions. We will also work on applying concepts, completing session workbooks, and putting concepts into action to better support the families we serve. We encourage you to join these sessions live on Zoom. We will be breaking out into group and network sessions.
10:00 AM EST
Red Flag or Red Herring? When Sleeping Patterns are Symptoms
Parents are becoming increasingly aware of the need to rule out underlying causes for challenging sleep in the early months and years of their child’s life. Social media has become a vehicle for many parents and professionals alike to become partially informed about a range of conditions which may or may not explain their child’s sleeping pattern. In particular, there has been an explosion of awareness of issues such as tongue, reflux, iron deficiency, and sleep disordered breathing. But how do we check for red flags without causing panic and over-pathologizing? How can we be sure that we don’t miss important details while also being honest about what normal infant sleep looks like?
This presentation will explore 6 key red flag symptoms and break down some of the potential underlying causes for these, offering possible explanations and reinforcing the need to refer promptly to the most appropriately trained professional, while also supporting families with compassion.
- Understand the importance of red flags
- Review symptoms that should be considered red flags
- Appreciate the clinical significance of red flag symptoms
- Recognize the importance of staying within our scope of practice
- Know how to help families through referral and ongoing support
1:00 PM EST
Live Q&A with Lyndsey Hookway
3:00 PM EST
Afternoon Engagement Session: Nutrition and Sleep with Yaffi Lvova
Yaffi is an experienced Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a proud mom of twins plus one. She earned a bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics from Arizona State University in 2010 and went on to complete the Iowa State University dietetic internship. Yaffi is a published author of several books on feeding kids and is the creator of Toddler Test Kitchen, an early childhood cooking program that aims to introduce children to unfamiliar food in a creative and fun way. Yaffi supports parents, pregnancy through toddlerhood, through her social media, public speaking, and Nap Time Nutrition podcast and YouTube channel.
Author of:
- Discover Mindful Eating for Kids, 2nd ed
- Stage-by-Stage Baby Food Cookbook
- Beyond a Bite: Activities for a Mindful Mealtime
- Nourishing Baby Food Cookbook
- Fun with Food Toddler Cookbook: Activities and Recipes to Play and Eat
- Beyond a Bite Professional Edition: Practical Approaches to Sensory and Feeding Challenges With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Neurodivergent Clients
- Beyond a Bite Parent Edition: Sensory Food Exploration for ASD and Neurodivergent Kids
- Kid Chef Junior Everyday Recipes
- Coming soon: Kid Chef Junior International
10:00 AM EST
Family Stages, Stresses, and Sleep
By Elly Taylor
It’s called the “transition into parenthood”, yet becoming a parent requires multiple significant adjustments to life and love. These major life-shifts can affect both parents as individuals, their relationship with each other, and their capacity for bonding with their baby. Through listening to and tracking the stories of parenthood for hundreds of clients, relationship counsellor Elly Taylor discovered parents travel through eight stages as they progress through pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. Each of these stages has its own particular challenges and stresses, which you’ll discover in this presentation. And then, each of these stresses can negatively impact parents’ sleep. This becomes another challenge that can affect both parents’ mental health and their ability to cope with life with their baby. A vicious cycle has begun.
The good news is that infant sleep professionals can help parents anticipate and adjust to the normal changes of parenthood and resource them to cope with the challenges. The quickest and easiest way to do this is through planting psychoeducational seeds, which you’ll learn how to do in this presentation.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to determine the difference between “parenthood” and “parenting”
- Participants are able to identify at least three stages of early parenthood that can impact parents’ sleep
- Participants are able to formulate a 3-part “seed” to support family sleep
12:00 PM EST
Afternoon Engagement Session: Implementation Session
In these interactive sessions we will have an opportunity to debrief, discuss, and share learning from the sessions. We will also work on applying concepts, completing session workbooks, and putting concepts into action to better support the families we serve. We encourage you to join these sessions live on Zoom. We will be breaking out into group and network sessions.
4:00 PM EST
Live Q&A with Elly Taylor
10:00 AM EST
The Paradox of Support: Parents Need to Feel Heard Before You Can Help
By the time most parents reach out for help with their child’s sleep, they’re exhausted, frustrated, and worried. As a pediatric support professional, knowing how to help families get better sleep is essential, but it’s not the only thing you need. It’s also necessary to acknowledge the huge part that emotions play in your work, and to learn and develop strategies to help families cope emotionally. Providing effective emotional support is necessary to help parents beat overwhelm so they feel successful and create peace in their home.
At the end of the session, participants should be able to:
- Understand evidence from neuroscience demonstrating why emotions are essential - not an annoyance or a by-product of “important stuff”
- Assess your own practice and identify areas in which dealing with emotions is already a critical part of what you do
- Understand concrete actions that can help in specific emotional situations, along with common pitfalls and ways to adapt strategies to be consistent with your goals and the goals of your clients
1:00 PM EST
Live Q&A with Tamsen Taylor
3:00 PM EST
Afternoon Engagement Session: Implementation Session
In these interactive sessions we will have an opportunity to debrief, discuss, and share learning from the sessions. We will also work on applying concepts, completing session workbooks, and putting concepts into action to better support the families we serve. We encourage you to join these sessions live on Zoom. We will be breaking out into group and network sessions.
10:00 AM EST
A Plethora of Sleep Promoting Strategies
When it comes to strategies to help children and families sleep better, parents often believe that it is either cry-it-out or waiting it out and suffering through sleep deprivation. There are actually a broad range of options. Sleep promoting strategies can fall under a variety of categories including; developmental, biological, nutritional, and behavioral strategies. Behavioral strategies can further be broken down into categories depending on the likelihood of crying and protesting. In this session, Andrea provides an overview of 25 sleep strategies and a framework for deciding which strategies to recommend to families reaching out for support.
- Understand the difference between behavioral, developmental, biological, and nutritional sleep promoting strategies
- Appreciate the range of options available to tailor a sleep plan to each unique family
- Choose support strategies that resonate with the sleep professional’s own method of practice
- Identify a framework for determining suitability of sleep strategies for individual families
1:00 PM EST
Live Q&A with Andrea Strang
3:00 PM EST
Afternoon Engagement Session: Sleeposium Farewell Party
We will wrap up Sleeposium2022 with some fun activities and prizes!